Malinda Flenniken
KBest Media Managing Partner
Before producing an internationally syndicated radio show, Malinda (Ellison) Flenniken began her radio career at the age of 17 in Big Spring, TX, hired for what was then referred to as “telephone sales.” She soon became the Afternoon Drive host for the station before taking the plunge and moving to Los Angeles, CA at age 19. Malinda found her way to KGIL serving as Assistant Program Director, then Afternoon Drive announcer on the San Fernando Valley’s KMGX “Magic in the Valley.” After a few years of trying to catch glimpses of the legendary Rick Dees in and around Hollywood, Malinda was invited to the KIIS FM studios where she finally got to meet her radio hero. She was offered the opportunity to write and produce comedy bits for “Rick Dees in the Morning” which….she accepted! Her first comedy bit to hit the L.A. airwaves in the mid-’90s was a parody of Prosecutor Marcia Clark singing to O.J. Simpson in the style of Madonna’s “Take a Bow.” Her mesh with the Dees style of quality, professionalism, and comedy escalated to the internationally syndicated “Rick Dees Weekly Top 40 Countdown” where she became the Associate Producer, then the Producer, and finally Executive Producer. A decade of traveling the globe and brushing with celebrities during the Dees years was an incredible ride of memorable experiences. When her father became ill, Malinda left the Countdown and spent a year commuting between L.A. and Big Spring, TX where her family remained. When her father passed away, a gentleman in her hometown funeral home assisted her family…and won her heart. The following year, Malinda moved back to Texas where she joined “Lew Dee, Diana, and Malinda in the Morning” on Lubbock’s KLZK. The gentleman Funeral Director back in Big Spring came calling…they married, and Malinda became General Manager of her hometown radio station, KBST. She and her husband Danny Flenniken, along with partners Mike and Sheila Abusaab, now own KBest Media which includes KBST 95.7 FM, KBST AM 1490, and KBTS 94.3 FM.
Adrienne Green
On Air Personality and News Director
FIRST JOB? Burger King at the Rip Griffin’s truck stop in Snyder.
CURRENT OBSESSIONS: Drag Queens and Stand-Up Comedy
ALL-TIME FAVORITE MOVIE: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
FUNNIEST MEMORY: Once when we were kids, my sister and I were competing in the living room to see who could do the best/highest cheerleader kick. We each had 2 attempts. I did fairly well, but my sister blew it out of the water. I remember my eyes got huge and I was in awe…until her other leg came out from under her and she fell hard and ended up breaking her tailbone. This cracks me up every time I think about it.
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE INVISIBLE FOR A DAY? I would mess with people here in the office, and then sit in on some good movies at the theater.
IF YOU COULD BE ANY CARTOON CHARACTER, WHO WOULD YOU BE AND WHY? I would be Rogue from X-Men (Saturday morning cartoons). She’s strong, sassy, flies, and can absorb powers from other mutants…what’s not to love? (Okay, so there’s the no human contact thing-but I think I could be okay with that.)
“If God is for us, who could be against us?” ~ Romans 8:31
PET PEEVES: Telemarketers/phone scams
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: It was a few years ago when I stepped into the KBest Media office and explained that I had no experience in radio but I was available to help and wanted to learn for free because radio is something that I’ve had an interest in for many years. Thankfully, they decided to hire and train me part-time as a board operator. Less than a year later, I was offered a position to co-host KBest Country Chaos with Mark, and it’s been a ton of fun!
When I’m not hosting the morning show or writing news stories for KBest News, I work on my stand-up comedy routine. Thursday nights you can catch me on Open Mic Night in Downtown Big Spring, or keep up with it on my Facebook page for The Green Bean Comic Facebook: The Green Bean Comic
Kristen Bill "K-Rae"
On Air Personality and Production Director
NAME: Kristen McLaughlin-Bill
HOMETOWN: San Angelo, Tx
FAVORITE QUOTES: “It’s when you cry just a little but laugh in the middle that you’ve made it. ” Jason Mraz
PET PEEVES: I have no desire to hear anyone chew their food!!!!!!
FAVORITE SONG: Oh there are soooo many!!!!! My favorite ever song I would say is…. That’s Where It’s At by Sam Cooke… To start!!! ????
FAVORITE MOVIE: Casino. I am a HUGE Robert Di Nero fan!!!!
IF YOU HAD THE WORLD’S ATTENTION FOR 30 SECONDS, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? Find your path and fight with everything you have to stay on it. It’s absolutely fantastic to step out of the box, just don’t go too far from it because it’s much harder to get back on track. Dream big and never let them go. It may not happen now but have faith, stay true to yourself and be kind. It will all be worth it you just have to be patient. Love yourself and each other. Without love there will never be peace.
- I play several instruments and dabble in singing and song writing.
- I make a mean chicken fried steak!! My steak fingers were voted Best In The Concho Valley 3 years in a row!
- Saltwater aquariums are my specialty! My favorite to keep in a saltwater tank is coral! I can school ya on anything aquarium!!!
David Wolfe
As Chief Engineer, David works behind the scenes maintaining the transmitters and other equipment at the tower sites as well as the studio equipment. David keeps the equipment working that keeps us on the air!
Sheila Abusaab
Sheila is a retired Spanish teacher and is held in the warmest regards by all the students that she knew during her teaching career. She is the voice you hear during the prediction show known as “The Sports Babe”. Sheila is involved with many wonderful things in the community including Keep Big Spring Beautiful and Delta Kappa Gamma.
When asked about activities she responded, “We started the Abusaab Teaching Scholarship this year to encourage students to become teachers to fill the need we have for educators.”
Her favorite quote is “Do unto others as you would want them to do to you!”
Tamara Averette
Marketing Consultant
NAME: Tamara Averette
JOB TITLE(S): Marketing Consultant
ANY NICKNAMES? Tam and Princess
FIRST JOB: I started babysitting when I was 10 but my first job aside from that was at Taco Villa
CURRENT OBSESSIONS: I love spending time with family and friends. Currently Chad and I are loving to travel more and go camping
ALL-TIME FAVORITE MOVIE: Tombstone hands down!
IF YOU WEREN’T IN RADIO, WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? I enjoyed my years in the school system and have my degree to be a certified teacher. I’m truly the adult who hasn’t decided what I want to do. I’ve thought about nursing, vet tech and teaching.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE 3 SECOND RULE? I do to some extent. Drop it on the floor or in the yard you are good. Drop it in the pens at the barn I would inspect it first.
FAVORITE QUOTES: Corinthians 13:4-8
TEAMS: Texas Tech
PET PEEVES: Stop clicking your pens, tapping on tables and chairs and please push in your chairs!
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I was born and raised in Big Spring TX by my amazing and supportive mom, Marsha Bishop. I am happily married to Chad Averette, and we have 2 wonderful kids Katie and Korbett. We are members of First Baptist Church and strive to live each day as strong and loving Christians. I have my bachelor’s in educational studies. We love chasing our kids around in their various sports and extracurricular activities. Chad and I enjoy helping the community out as much as we can, so we are members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. I am also the president of the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary and I have a special place in my heart for veteran’s. I love spending time with our family and friends and enjoy traveling and visiting as many beautiful places as possible.
Kelsie Otis
NAME: Kelsie Otis
JOB TITLE(S): Receptionist
HOMETOWN: San Bernardino, California
CURRENT OBSESSIONS: Crystals, notebooks, anything Marvel
ALL-TIME FAVORITE MOVIE: The Last Song, Greatest Showman and RENT
DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE 3 SECOND RULE? Depends on how dirty the floor is. Defiantly not outside
FAVORITE QUOTES: Though my soul may set in darkness it will rise in perfect light. -anonymous
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. – Sarah Williams
She was not made for everyone. Especially those afraid of the dark. – C.A. Elizabeth
PET PEEVES: When people chew with their mouths open and when people stop completely to make a right turn.
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I love to read and write. I love true crime and anything supernatural.
Leah Weatherford
Swap Shop Host & On Air Personality
NAME: Leah Weatherford
JOB TITLE(S): Swap Shop Host
FIRST JOB: Limited Too in the Midland Park Mall
CURRENT OBSESSIONS: Halloween and fall decorations, coffee, and my daughter (not necessarily in that order 🙂 )
ALL-TIME FAVORITE MOVIE: I’m not a movie-watcher. I prefer TV series because you get to know the characters better. I get invested in the characters more in a TV series than I do in a movie. My all-time favorite sitcom is Big Bang Theory – it’s funny no matter how many times I’ve seen it. If we’re talking drama then I like things like Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc.
IF YOU WEREN’T IN RADIO, WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? Right now, I’d be at home. I quit my full-time job to stay home and take care of my family. Other than that, I’d be working on my writing and trying to pick up freelance writing gigs. I’m a writer by trade.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE 3 SECOND RULE? No. I have OCD and am a germaphobe. If it touches the floor, it goes in the trash.
FAVORITE QUOTES: “What is to give light must endure burning.” -Viktor Frankl, holocaust survivor
TEAMS: What is sports?
PET PEEVES: People who don’t wash their hands after they go to the bathroom. Or if I use your bathroom at your house and there’s no hand soap by the sink – that tells me you don’t wash your hands after you go to the bathroom – gross.
TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I’m a wife and mother to a wonderful, smart, and sassy 7-year-old named Ellie. We have three dogs, seven goats, and six chickens. Taking care of farm animals is something I never thought I would be doing, but I love it. The baby goats that have been born at our house are my babies too. And I love the ones that let me pet them like dogs. I have a BA in English and worked in healthcare for many years writing documents that were submitted for accreditations and accolades. I prefer creative writing and enjoy writing non-fiction creative pieces. The Sun Magazine is a creative writing magazine that I enjoy. I’ve wanted to submit to their “reader’s write” section for probably 10 years now and I finally submitted my first piece last May. They are very selective, however, and I didn’t expect to have my piece chosen for publication. I haven’t heard anything from them and I don’t expect to.