Belle Guillory, 2014 Big Spring High School graduate, will soon have a show that she created and was a lead actor in airing on the tv network Fox Soul. It is called “God Be With Us”, a comedic coming-of-age story following a teenage daughter of a megachurch pastor as she navigates public high school for the first time.
“Think of a fish out of water, you know, just trying to find her way – with God as her best friend,” Guillory explained.
Inspired by the black family tv shows that aired in the 90s, Guillory decided to create one of her own.
“I just felt like there was an empty gap in the industry for a long time when it comes to those family comedies we kinda haven’t had that feeling in a long time so I was like I wanna bring that back but mixed with my experiences and I feel like everyone can relate to being an outcast at some point in time specially in high school,” she said.
According to Guillory, the show airing on Fox Soul is a concept of the comedy series. She is encouraging everyone to download the app and watch the show so they will be able to bring the show back for more episodes and seasons.
Guillory told KBest News that the show has won multiple awards in various film festivals across the country. The first episode has received over 80,000 views on YouTube. Originally it was set to air tomorrow evening, however Guillory advised that Fox Soul has decided to promote the show further and it will air next month.
(courtesy photos)