BIG SPRING, TX — The Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce held a “Thank You for Your Investment” presentation for the City of Big Spring on Tuesday morning to thank them for all that they do for the community. Mayor Robert Moore told KBest News that the city is proud to have the local Chamber of Commerce.
“They do a great job in promoting Big Spring and the City’s just really proud to be a part of that and assisting them and their effort. We’re just really pleased with them,” said Mayor Moore.
He also went on to say that there’s a lot going on in the city and he’s excited for the next few years.
“We have a lot going on at the Airpark with the reliever route with Mark Willis with our economic development and Mark Feeley with our air park. We just got a lot of projects going on and I hope within the next few years, we begin to see some fruition of those projects and I’m optimistic about Big Spring.”
(Photo courtesy of Big Spring Herald)