COLORADO CITY, TX — The C C Riders 24th Annual Car Show and Sonic Cruise will be held this weekend in Colorado City.
Registration for the cruise begins at 6 PM tonight, 06/07/2024, at the Railhead Building, and the cruise begins at 7 PM in downtown Colorado City. Cruise Awards for the Top 10 Cruisers will be given out on Friday at 9 PM.
Tomorrow, the Car Show will be inside and outside of the Railhead building. Registration for that will be from 8 am until 12 noon. T-shirts and dash plaques will be available for the first 75 show entries. Plus, food and drinks will be available at the show. Car Show awards will be given at 3 PM on Saturday.
The Bad News Memorial Burnout will also be held tomorrow in Colorado City at 1 PM at West Main St. There will be 3 classes to compete in – Stock, Modified, and Super Modified.
C C Riders is a non-profit organization, and all proceeds will benefit a scholarship fund for local graduates and donations to the local mission and Kiwaniannes toy drive. For more information, visit the Facebook page for CC Riders Car Club of Colorado City, Texas.