BIG SPRING, TX — During Monday’s meeting at the Howard County commissioners court, commissioners discussed a city property that was for sale on Nolan Street. Howard County Judge Randy Johnson advised that the City of Big Spring offered it to the county first to see if they had any interest in the property. The property is described as being the parking lot area behind the area where the old police station was once located. Commissioners agreed that there was no interest in the property at this time.
Commissioners also accepted a donation of $25,000 from Occidental Petroleum for the Howard County Sheriff’s Office.
Elections Administrator Jodi Duck received permission to enter into a joint election agreement with party chairman for the primary election. She advised that they would be running elections side-by-side, using the same equipment during the same hours for the primary election. It was noted that the elections office has been moved to a new location. They are located in the building that had previously been the Social Security Administration building on FM 700. This is where early voting will be held, however it is not yet ready for the public.
On Election Day, March 5, 2024, there will be a change in polling locations. First Baptist Church will no longer be a polling location for voting. It has been replaced with the Sand Spring Baptist Church located at 201 E. 24th St.
Senate Bill 22 (SB 22) was also a topic of discussion during the meeting. SB 22 is a grant program that will provide financial assistance to sheriff’s departments, constable’s offices and district and county attorney’s offices in eligible counties to ensure professional law enforcement and legal representation of the people’s interests throughout the state. 118th District Attorney Josh Hamby advised that he plans to apply for the grant and would ask for the full amount of $175,000. If approved for the grant, Hamby said he would want to hire an additional prosecutor to help cover the caseload from the three counties in the 118th District, which are Howard, Glasscock, and Martin Counties. He also stated that he would want to give raises to the investigators and assistant prosecutors.
County Attorney Lindsey Wilkerson told the court that she planned to apply for the grant, as well, and would want a paralegal but would also be okay with a part-time person to scan documents for a digital discovery and digital case submission.