BIG SPRING, TX — The City of Big Spring and Keep Big Spring Beautiful will once again partner for another E-Waste Recycling Day next month. This free event will be on Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024, from 8 am to 1 pm or until the truck fills. This e-waste recycling event will be held at the Big Sandy Landfill, located at 3810 Old Colorado City Hwy, in Big Spring.
This is the public’s opportunity to recycle all electronics responsibly. Some of the items that will be accepted are computers, lithium ion batteries, computer accessories, monitors, printers, copiers, gaming systems, cameras, and more. Items that will not be accepted are paint, light bulbs, alkaline batteries, gasoline, oils, and freon items.
If you have questions or comments, you can contact Ken Meeks at 817-919-6229.