BIG SPRING, TX – West Texas Centers CEO Shelley Smith, LMSW, was honored for 40 years of service Tuesday and Wednesday during the center’s yearly luncheon at Hotel Settles.
The luncheons celebrated staff who work in 23 counties in rural West Texas.
Smith, who has served as the only CEO of West Texas Centers was presented with a 40-year plaque by Ed Moughon, former Superintendent for the Big Spring State Hospital.
“It seems like yesterday that I began my career as a social worker providing care for people needing assistance with behavioral health and intellectual and developmental disabilities.”
“We could not have succeeded and provided care for tens of thousands of people with special needs without the tremendous support of our dedicated staff.”
West Texas Centers employs close to 330 dedicated professionals at 35 sites who help 2,300 individuals.
“Our employees are the best of the best and I would like to celebrate them every day for their selfless dedication and putting our clients first,” Smith said. “They all have lives outside of West Texas Centers, but so many times they put the needs of the people they serve before their own.”
“I can’t thank them enough for being available at all hours of the day and night but bringing them all together once a year to celebrate them is just the best day of the year for our executive staff. Having everyone all in one place to say thank you is so rewarding and fulfilling.”
Each attendee also was presented with a ticket upon arrival for an opportunity to win gift cards ranging from $25 to $500.
Tickets were drawn and winners were given an opportunity to choose a box that contained a gift card.
“They chose the box and then announced what they won,” Smith said. “It was a great way to build excitement and a way to interject some fun and competition into the luncheon.”
“We also hosted an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest, and that was such a hoot! It was a serious celebration honoring our tenured employees, but it was one sprinkled with a great deal of fun and laughter. It gave us a chance to reflect and relax and smile.”
Those honored for five years were: Chasti Armstrong; Christal Fernandez; Annie Mcelfresh; Jeana Moore; Melissa Nairn; Cindy Stiles; Melissa Thomas; Isabel Dominguez; Patricia Watlington; Patricia Boyd; Naim Karabanoff; James Bell; Gary Tidwell; James Bell; and Kristy Turner.
Employees honored for 10 years were: Christie Shaw; Harry Faust; Tammy Mcqueen; Amy Baeza; Carl Witte; and Effie Witte.
Employees honored for 15 years were: Vivian Williams; Carmella Ellis; David Gutierrez; and Jessica Martinez.
Employees honored for 20 years: Cathy Richardson; Theresa Smith; and Vickie Williams.
Employees honored for 25 years were: Bertha Anderson; Shannon Farnsworth; Alicia Miranda; and Zena Ruth.
Norma Leach was honored for 30 years; Brenda Adames for 35 years; and Shelley Smith for 40 years.
West Texas Centers is the designated local authority for mental health and intellectual and developmental disabilities through a contractual relationship with the Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services and the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services.
In addition to providing services for people with mental illness and intellectual and developmental disabilities, the Center hosts an Early Childhood Intervention program known as Little Lives ECI, aiding children ages 0-3 years old.
West Texas Centers serves citizens of Andrews, Borden, Crane, Dawson, Fisher, Gaines, Garza, Glasscock, Howard, Kent, Loving, Martin, Mitchell, Nolan, Reeves, Runnels, Scurry, Terrell, Terry, Upton, Ward, Winkler, and Yoakum counties.
(Courtesy Photo)