BIG SPRING, TX — Big Spring ISD recently announced that all students will eat absolutely free in the 2023-2024 school year! This includes breakfast and lunch for Pre K through high school students. Along with free school supplies provided by BSISD, the district sincerely hopes this will take away some of the stress parents were feeling before the beginning of a new school year.
Registration for BSISD students from Pre-K through 8th Grade continues this week through Thursday, July 27th.
Students can be registered at these campuses:
– Pre-K at Kentwood,
– Kindergarten through 2nd grade at Marcy or Moss Elementary,
– 3rd grade Washington,
– 4th grade at Goliad,
– 5th and 6th grades at Big Spring Intermediate
– 7th and 8th grade registration at Big Spring Jr. High
For more information, go to or the Facebook page for Big Spring ISD.
