BIG SPRING, TX — Gary B’s Music, Big Spring’s go-to music store, is now under new ownership. Gary Barrington, original owner of Gary B’s, recently sold the store to his long-time employee Tony Lozano.
Tony and his wife Kay now own and operate Gary B’s Music, located at 602 Gregg St. in Big Spring, across from Little Caesars. Tony told KBest News taking over the store was something that had always been talked about.
“When I first started working here when I was 19, he was like if you pay attention to some of this stuff you might just run the business one day,” said Tony.
He went on to say that he never really thought about it, but when he returned to work with Gary the topic was brought up again.
When asked if there would be a name change in the future, Tony told KBest News that the name Gary B’s would remain.
“It’s gonna stay Gary B’s forever. This is Gary’s legacy. We’re just gonna take care of it,” he said.
Tony went on to say that Gary B’s is here to stay as long as Big Spring continues to support the business.
Gary B’s Music has been open for over 10 years. They sell guitar instruments, band and orchestra accessories, and some minor PA/speaker equipment. They also offer instrument rentals for schools. Some of the services they offer are re-strings, minor guitar repair, and guitar lessons.
Gary B’s Music is open Tuesday – Friday 10 AM to 6 PM, and on Saturday they’re open from 10 AM to 4 PM.
For more information, visit their Facebook page Gary B’s Music, or call them at 432-714-4277.