BIG SPRING, TX — This is the last week to submit your applications for the upcoming Leadership Big Spring class which begins on Thursday, Oct. 13th, hosted by the Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce. This 8-month course is held every 2nd Thursday of the month from 8 am to 5 pm and is designed to increase leadership skills, and learn more about the community of Howard County.
Tana Higginbotham, Owner of Inspirations Floral Boutique in Big Spring, went through the course in 2019 and told KBest News that it was a great networking experience and opportunity to learn more about the local community.
“From doing Leadership I was able to meet lots of new people and make lots of business acquaintances. We got to see lots of things in Big Spring I didn’t even know existed here, and I was able to really dive into some networking,” said Higginbotham of the course.
Applications can be obtained from the Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce office, located at 215 W. 3rd St. in Big Spring, or by calling the Chamber office at 432-263-7641. The deadline to submit applications is tomorrow, Sept. 23, 2022.
(courtesy photo: Leadership Big Spring class #35, 2017)