BIG SPRING, TX — The 9th annual Head to Toe event organized by North Side Movement, a local non-profit organization, will be held tomorrow morning, Aug. 13th, at 10 AM at Ryan Hall, located at 605 N. Main in Big Spring.
According to Howard County Commissioner Eddilisa Ray, Precinct 1, free shoes and free haircuts will be made available for students from the ages of 5 to 18. The Lions Club will be offering free eye exams and Food2Kids will be onsite giving away food. Plus, there will be raffles, special guests, and local representatives.
Ray went on to say that the North Side Movement believes that it takes more than a pencil to be a good student. That’s why the organization wants to give them confidence and a boost by offering new shoes and a new haircut to start the new school year.
“It’s so expensive to buy shoes and give all your kids a haircut. That’s just one thing that a lot of people forget about,” said Commissioner Ray.
She went on to say that this type of service wasn’t something that was offered in the community when they began the Head to Toe event 9 years ago. Now they serve between 1,500 to 2,000 people during their event.