Originally Posted 2020-06-07 14:07
While some people in Big Spring have turned to protesting as a means of bringing attention to racial inequalities, local artist Rae Ripple channeled her efforts into a positive message for all. On Monday, June 1, 2020, Ripple – also a certified firefighter – hung off the Benton Bridge in Big Spring while strapped to a harness for 3 hours to paint the message, “YOU CAN’T DEFEAT LOVE”.
In a recent Facebook Live video posted by Ripple, she states that she had previously reached out to Big Spring City Mayor Shannon Thomason for forgiveness because she had intentions of creating the piece with or without his permission. As it turned out, the Mayor was on board with the positive message. Since then, Ripple said she’d received a lot of positive feedback about the piece, but also criticism and even death threats about her artwork. Still, she stood by her message that more love is needed in the world.
Mayor Thomason told KBest News that he approved of the message and presented it to city staff where he received approval for the project from the City Manager.
Opposition was voiced for a variety of reasons on social media. Some were upset that Benton Bridge, an unofficial landmark in Big Spring, had been grafittied with the positive message. Some were upset that the message, “YOU CAN’T DEFEAT LOVE,” trivialized the “Black Lives Matter” message of local protestors in Big Spring. Others were displeased that the project lacked input from city council representatives.
On Saturday morning, June 6, 2020, Big Spring residents woke up to a portion of the bridge message defaced by black paint.
Ripple later posted a picture of her defaced artwork with the message, “I feel so broken right now. I’m sorry Big Spring.”
Later that day, an unknown person attempted to rewrite the message.
Since then, the City of Big Spring has announced that the Benton Bridge is now closed to all traffic, including pedestrians, and all violators will be charged with criminal trespassing.
Mayor Thomason also released the following statement on June 6, 2020, in regards to the defacing of the bridge message:
As peaceful protests became violent riots over the recent murder of George Floyd, I was approached by a local artist who was inspired to create an all-inclusive message of love for Big Spring. Her message was simply “You Can’t Defeat Love”. Greatly admiring the sentiment, I brought the idea to city staff, who shared my enthusiasm for the message. As such, the City Manager authorized the art installation on the Benton St. bridge, just as he has with other art installations in the past.
Every city in America is currently facing the challenge of how to better support its citizens of color who are desperate to be heard while continuing to maintain safety for all. Big Spring is no different.
This message was simple, straightforward, and peaceful: “You Can’t Defeat Love”. Someone chose to deface that message last evening, and that is a crime which will be investigated. Those responsible for the defacing of this artwork did so on City property and will be charged accordingly. We cannot and will not ignore crime at a time where our City has experienced a double-whammy in 2020 of COVID-19 shutdowns and plummeting oil revenues. It is my job – and that of the Council – to focus on keeping our businesses open and our citizens safe, employed and secure in their homes. While I remain sensitive and open to the needs of our diverse communities, I am tasked with representing all our citizens.
I support the Constitutional rights of the protestors to lawfully assemble here in Big Spring and attended the first one held downtown on Sunday night. What happened to Mr. Floyd is inexcusable and the perpetrators must face justice. In this country, that means they must be tried in a court of law and judged by a jury of their peers. The protest Sunday night was, by and large, peaceful, however a few of the protestors attempted to disrupt traffic on Gregg St. by protesting in the street. They were advised by both me and members of the Big Spring Police Department that they could not impede traffic but were welcome to protest on the sidewalk. I would also like to acknowledge the professionalism and courtesy exhibited by the police officers involved that evening.
When attending the protest, I asked who the organizer was. No one acknowledged being the organizer, so I offered my support of their message and the support of the city in the exercising of their Constitutional rights to those of the attendees who were willing to speak with me. I was subsequently contacted by a person who evidently was an organizer and wanted to protest on Gregg Street. Both I and city staff attempted to explain that Gregg St. is a US highway that is regulated by the Texas Department of Transportation and that a permit allowing the closing of a section of Gregg St. took time to obtain. On behalf of the City, I offered the use of Heart of the City Park as a safe alternative for the participants, which the protesters availed themselves of Monday night.
As Mayor of our city, it is my responsibility to be inclusive of all citizens in any message the city puts forth. We at city hall take pride in our efforts to respect the feelings of all who reside here, regardless of race, faith, or sexual orientation. To that end, what better message can be offered during these troubled times than that of love?
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 at 5:30PM. In addition to the regular opportunity for the public to address the Council, there is a special session scheduled for discussion by the public regarding the George Floyd incident and a resolution has been prepared for action on by the Council. As always, the public is welcome to attend the meeting to express their concerns.
From the Book of Iasiah: “Come now and let us reason together”. Our citizens have proven that they can come together peacefully to debate controversial issues. The Big Spring City Council exists to ensure that the citizens voices are heard and their opinions represented, without the need for violence or vandalism. I have been and remain a constant champion for transparent, open, responsive government for the City of Big Spring and welcome anyone who wishes to sit down and communicate their concerns directly.
Shannon D. Thomason, Mayor
City of Big Spring, Texas
KBest News spoke with Ripple about the defacing of her message on the bridge. She stated that after she heard the news, she started to feel like, maybe, she was in over her head and had even began to doubt the message that she had tried to share.
After experiencing the outpour of love and seeing that someone had risked their safety to restore the message, Ripple told KBest News that it felt like the original message, “YOU CAN’T DEFEAT LOVE”, had been validated.
Ripple told KBest News that she plans to attend to Tuesday night’s City Council meeting on June 9, 2020 in Big Spring in order to fight for the message that she feels everyone can benefit from.
(Positive message painted on Benton Bridge in Big Spring, TX by Rae Ripple on June 1, 2020. Photo credit: Rae Ripple Facebook page)
(Benton Bridge message after it was defaced by an unknown person. Discovered early on June 6, 2020. Photo credit: Rae Ripple Facebook page)
(Unknown person attempts to rewrite the message on June 6, 2020. It now reads “YOU CAN’T DEFEA LOVEE”. Photo credit: screenshot from a video on Rae Ripple Facebook page)